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Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Check out their wedding album

 Amanda got into his costume and makeup and gathered his 'wedding' on the courthouse steps. Ay! more people than expected originally as word spread of impending events. The group had no permit, so was asked to move on. They did. They met again in Jackson Square.

Again, they were informed that should happen by the authorities. Amanda Neil text message to meet him on the steps of a church on the outskirts of the park. Arrived moments later, in top hat, shirt and jacket. Seeing Amanda statue in their finery, 
placed $ 5.00 in your basket. Amanda then "came back to life" and gave her a rose. At this juncture, the witness came out of hiding, along with Jason Webley who introduced the happy couple in the first place. Jason performs the ceremony with great enthusiasm.
The best part? Neil got his cup of tea, but had to take over the white clown Amanda left him with a kiss.

Okay, so it's not legal, but Neil and Amanda actually engaged. Meanwhile, here is what Neil has to say about this practice of performance:

The next time we wed, I will marry the lady, not the statue, and not invited people and not a flash mob, and I know that is happening in advance, and there will be a 
 and be legally recognized, but I can not imagine that there will be more joy than it was. And frankly, after the wedding magical morning, I do not think I could ever feel more married.

And I do not think I could have a 
 more appropriate for the man who created London then.

Check out their wedding album. Thanks to Just call me Sugah for the tip off!


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